Nor has it done to collect the awards went to the impeccable and elegant showed off in Cannes , that Alexa Chung - model and host British coach handbags on sale
television - is already allocated in the fourth and announced the new collection A / always in collaboration with Madewell and heard heard, the intention of creating his own label fashion. The idea of rest was in the air by Victoria Beckham , Britney Spears, the celebs have been reinvented almost all designers, and why not her, who has plenty of taste?
Alexa Chung on the red carpet: elegance to copy
" What I want is really 'do' something. I want to learn the whole process of design, so I can have my label and my studio with fantastic music and all my friends around , "said MTV VJ UK, relying too to be able to get where he is today because of Coach Flat its positivity , which led her to imagine all that then - on time - has come true: " I remember when I was little my mother used to say 'ok, this will happen' and You know what? has always worked . "
Optimism and, of course, a lot of determination, therefore, have allowed this English girl with the cat's eyes to appear first on the covers of some of the most important fashion magazines - Cosmopolitan and Elle all - later to become the star of the advertising of certain brands prestigious and finally make a bang on TV, as a participant of the coach shoulder bags reality show 'Shoot Me' and then as host of successful programs.
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A story that would not have had a happy ending if Alexa had succumbed to ' insecurity that haunts Coach Sandals since teenager and that too often leads to take to heart the criticism, as she confessed to Vogue UK: " You know, no ? eavesdropping your agent who speaks in the room and then call you and tell you that you should toned - something which, with hindsight, you realize that you needed - but it's not what you hear when you're a ' teenager and hate life . " Which gives hope that - despite its not curved - Alexa has at heart the problem of eating disorders and create a collection and a campaign for all sizes .